Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP)
Autologus Platelet Rich Plasma utilizes the regenerative and healing properties of blood platelets to release growth factors locally to initiate the regeneration process of the skin.
This treatment basically suitable for all age group since it’s prepared from patient’s own blood, hence there will be minimum allergic reactions.
The treatment is simple and straight forward, a small sample of blood is drawn from the patient, then, it will be transferred into a centrifuge to harvest the plasma, and the plasma is then injected into areas of concern
Results in:
Increase in collagen production
Enhances skin elasticity, tone and thickness
Improves skin radiance
Improves cell regeneration
Do you have any concerns of:
Deep wrinkles on the forehead as well as areas around the eyes and lips
Uneven skin texture and fine lines
Lack of collagen for skin rejuvenation
Dull skin and poor lusterless complexion
Textural irregularities
Prominent Acne Scars