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Breast Augmentation with Implants

Breast Augmentation with Implants

This operation involves the insertion of a man made implant(s) to the breast to enlarge the breast.  Commonly, silicone prothesis is used due to the natural feel of the prothesis. Conventionally, saline filled silicone bags were used, however, the feel of this prothesis is less pleasing when compared to silicone prothesis and it is possible at times to feel the edges of the prothesis due to the two different media of differing viscosity. 


We emphasise effective consultation that will explore what a patient truly desires and to match this up with the surgical results.

During consultation, patients will be sized with a sizer so she can almost experience what her new image will be like.    

Operation Information:

Duration of Surgery

2-3 hours



Stitch Removal

clinic follow-up 1 week

Breast Implant Removal

Breast Implant Removal

Some patients may want to remove previously inserted implants due to leakage of silicone,

hardened breast (with capsular contracture) causing distortion of shape or simply for personal reasons.


During the surgery, apart from removing the old breast implants, the surgeon may remove any leaked implant material as well as the hardened capsule which is similar to an internal scar that your body makes in response to the implants.


You may choose to

  • replace the implants with new ones

  • opt for fat grafting

  • or none at all

Operation Information:

Duration of Surgery

2 – 3 hours



Stitch Removal/Clinic Review

around 7 days after surgery

Fat grafting

Fat grafting

Fat can be harvested and injected into the breast to increase the volume of the breast. This is usually done under general anaesthesia. The fat is harvested from your own body, processed carefully, purified and then injected into the breast to create a breast mound.


Any extra fat that is harvested may also be used for other parts of the body including face for volumisation (making bigger) or even improving skin texture and quality, including scars.  

Operation Information:

Duration of Surgery

1-2 hours


Local or General

(depending on volume of fat)

Stitch Removal

7 days after surgery

Breast Reconstruction

Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reconstruction x

The loss of a breast due to breast cancer can be a very traumatic experience for the patient. It is possible for the breast to be reconstructed. This provides normality and symmetry to the patient. Although we also perform reconstruction with silicone implants, our preference is to reconstruct the breast using the patients’ own tissue.


The tissue can be harvested from the back or lower abdomen.


The surgery is done  at the same time as the surgery to remove the breast cancer and if needed, we also create a new nipple for the reconstructed breast(s) by tattooing, local flaps, and pedicle grafts.


A lot of our patients comment that they had the impression that breast reconstruction surgery will mean longer recovery time, however due to our practice being a group practice with 2 specialist surgeons; the total surgery time which is usually 5-6 hours is only about 2 hours.  This means that the patient will be spending shorter time under general anaesthesia, and recovery is quicker.  On average, our patients spend about 3 days in hospital before being discharged.  


If you have had your breasts removed previously and have completed chemo and radiotherapy, we can also reconstruct the breast using your own tissue.  This is known as secondary breast reconstruction.  

Operation Information:

Duration of Surgery

2-3 hours


General anaesthesia​

Clinic review

about 7 days after surgery

For more information please click on these links to read a newspaper article or watch this video of a talk we did for The Star about breast reconstruction.  

If you yourself has been diagnosed with breast cancer, you may watch our welcome video for all patients considering a consult with us.  Welcome video .     

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